Construction Projects
Losses in relation to engineering or civil engineering are often complicated. The loss may affect foundations, concrete or steel supporting structures for non-residential construction, roofs or installations in buildings, the erection and installation of electrical or mechanical plant and machinery while they may involve damage to or caused by tunnels, bridges, excavation pits, dredging work, land reclamation, wind turbines, construction machinery and many more.
Investigation of a loss of this type requires relevant knowledge and understanding of the specific technical disciplines of engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. In addition, we have the knowledge and understanding of the sections insured under the CAR/EAR, including assessing damage to the work and adjacent structures belonging to third parties.
We have extensive (international) experience in claims handling of different types of construction projects such as tunnel construction, metro, viaducts, road construction, dredging, suspension bridges and many more.
Our team consists of engineers of many disciplines as well as accountants and legal experts. We can fully handle complicated cases, not only the engineering aspects but also liability, personal injury and business interruption losses.