Railway Accident Investigation
Rail accidents are relatively rare, but their consequences can be serious, with many injuries and loss of life. A high-speed collision or derailment is inevitably a high-profile event in the media and can cause transport disruption for a long period of time. Even small, more frequent incidents can have significant operational and financial consequences.
Diadilos Solutions undertakes the investigation of railway accidents and incidents. Our team of staff & partners includes scientists and engineers with extensive training and experience in incident management, investigating all factors involved in order to clarify the causes of each incident.
Indicatively, the services provided include incidents such as:
Collisions at any point along the lines
Collisions with vehicles at railway crossings
Insufficient maintenance of railway tracks and/or rolling stock
Failures and breakdowns of mechanical - electrical equipment of facilities
Failures and mechanical breakdowns of rolling stock
Investigation of causes of fires & explosions
Assessment of infections
Injury and/or death of personnel
Injury and/or death to third parties
Investigation of cause of damage to transported goods/cargo
Investigation procedures include, but are not limited to:
Witness statements (driver, staff, passengers, etc.)
Inspection of railway lines at the scene of the incident
Inspection of signaling systems
Inspection of rolling stock locomotives, passenger carriages and freight wagons
Maintenance of lines, signaling system and rolling stock
Staff training audits